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I'm Adam, a Computer Systems and Networks student at Edinburgh Napier University. I'm also in a sick folk metal band, but that's not important right now. I made this site to post about my various projects and interests, there's more on that in the blog.

If you're wondering why I've made my site myself instead of using WordPress (or some other CMS (what other CMSs are there?)), the answer is pretty straightforward. I like simplicity and it loads faster than a speeding speeding bullet!

In addition to being under a megabyte (yes, a single megayte!), the forgoing of a content management system means that I have to challenge myself to find shortcuts in expanding the site. An example of this is my new page creation script, which creates a starting point for new blog posts and creates the links to the new page. As with anything on this site, it's a little jank but it's mine!

- Adam

A photo of me.